Communist Badger

1 minute read

Language Used: Python3

Source Code: GitHub Link


The goal of this product, CommunistBadger, is to provide users with a platform where they can see stocks of different companies and can check live trends of where the stock market is going. The successful prediction of a stock’s future could yield significant profit.

Tools & Libraries

  • Pickle
  • MongoDB
  • Tensorflow
  • Python tkinter (GUI)
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Fuzzy Testing
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Web Scraping
  • Twitter API


CommunistBadger is a stock predictor tool which provides user with an insight of how the stock market is doing and how it would do in the future. The product was trained on data sources from “News Articles”, “Tweets” & “Stock Prices”. The news articles were scraped and saved in csv file format and Twitter dataset was used csv files for multiple csv files are used for the different stock prices.


Initial Interface

Initial Interface

Search “View Graph” Interface

Search "View Graph" Interface

Market “Company Name” Interface

Market "Company Name" Interface

Interface Levels

Interface Levels

Subsystem Diagrams

Web Scraper Subsystem Diagram

Web Scraper Subsystem Diagram

Model Training Subsystem Diagram

Model Training Subsystem Diagram

Sequence Diagrams

Application Launch Sequence Diagram

Application Launch Sequence Diagram

Update Sequence Diagram

Update Sequence Diagram

Search Sequence Diagram

Search Sequence Diagram

Activity Diagrams

Update Activity Diagram

Update Activity Diagram

Search Activity Diagram

Search Activity Diagram



Here is a sentiment bar graph of “Google - GOOGL” versus Tweets data (20 Tweets): GOOGL Sentiment Tweet

Similarly, this is what News vs sentiment bar graph looks like for “Google - GOOGL” (20 News Articles): GOOGL Sentiment News


This is a fitted RBF Kernel Graph for “Apple - AAPL”: APPL RBF fit

Candlestick Graph for “Apple - APPL”: APPL Candlestick


Candlestick Graph for “EBay”: EBAY Candlestick


To read Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document about this product please click this link.

To read the Software Design Specification (SDS) Document about this product please click this link.

SRS References

Stock Market Explanation

Stock Prediction


You can fork the project on GitHub to add more features to the project.